Using FairEntry

For 2020 Exhibitors can enter their entires via FairEntry. We'd encourage you to review the resources at the bottom of this page and attend one of our Support Schedule events to help with your entry process. Please know that this is our first year piloting entering entires online and there may be kinks. We will do what we can and make changes where we can for next year.

The FairEntry login website is:

Tips for Exhibitors Making Online Entries:

  • Recommended browsers: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Older versions of Internet Explorer may cause unexpected behavior.
  • If anyone in your family is in 4-H. Use your 4-H Online information to login.
    • If it is your first or second year in 4-H and you've not used your 4-H Online login yet OR you've forgotten, please review the PDF and know that the email you login into 4-H Online is the one that Justin's updates/newsletters go to.
    • How to Access 4-H Online

  • Register all entries for each exhibitor in the family before proceeding to the Payment section.
  • Be sure to click the “Submit” button when you have completed your entries. Entries are not final until they have been submitted.
  • Check your email inbox for a confirmation email with a list of your entries and any related fees.
  • You will receive a second email when your entries have been approved by your fair.


FairEntry Support Schedule

Monday, April 20th, 3pm - Facebook Live FairEntry tutorial and QA

  • Justin will be doing a Facebook Live going through multiple scenarios of entries and answering questions.
  • Please go to the Logan County 4-H Facebook page at this time to watch.
  • A recording will stay on the Facebook page.

Tuesday, April 21, 1-2pm - FairEntry Office Hours via Zoom

  • Justin will have open office hours to answer questions and troubleshoot for you. Email him at for the Zoom link.

Thursday, April 23, 4-5pm - FairEntry Office Hours via Zoom

  • Justin will have open office hours to answer questions and troubleshoot for you. Email him at for the Zoom link.

Tuesday, April 28, 6-7pm - FairEntry Office Hours via Zoom

  • Justin will have open office hours to answer questions and troubleshoot for you. Email him at for the Zoom link.

Thursday, April 30, 4-5pm - FairEntry Office Hours via Zoom

  • Justin will have open office hours to answer questions and troubleshoot for you. Email him at for the Zoom link.

*There will be more opportunities in May for those entries that are due June 1.


Resources to Help

FairEntry Exhibitor Login Flow Chart

  • This helps with deciding to login using 4-H Online information or creating your own login.

FairEntry Step-by-Step PDF for Entries

  • This goes through a general sense of entering entires into FairEntry. For Logan County Fair specific questions join Justin during a Support Schedule event or contact him at

3-minute Video: How to Register with FairEntry

  • This goes through a general sense of entering entires into FairEntry. For Logan County Fair specific questions join Justin during a Support Schedule event or contact him at

2-minute Video: How to Log In to FairEntry with 4-H Online

  • This goes through how to log into FairEntry with 4-H Online and some general problems people might have (forgetting their password, etc.)